I have just completed transferring my old web site  to a new host. All pages 
are up and running like they should be. It has been a long time since my web 
page was easily loaded so I hope you guys and gals enjoy my new site. There are 
almost 300 photos with captions there telling my construction story. I will 
also be adding much more as I continue through my KR journey in life. Those of 
you who have me linked, please update your links to my new web address. The 
link is www.flykr2s.com and I hope you enjoy the web site. Thanks

Mark Jones (N886MJ) 
Wales, WI 
Visit my "NEW" KR CorvAIRCRAFT web site: http://www.flykr2s.com 
Email: mailto:flyk...@wi.rr.com 

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