> >What are anyone's thoughts on the Diehl wing skins on a KR2S? I >would assume they use the original RAF48 airfoil rather than the new >one correct? Pros or cons? $1800 doesn't seem too bad to me. Does >the additional wingspan take away any on the cruise speeds? >chad ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Probably a few miles per hour but if you are going to use an engine of less than 100 hp you will probably appreciate the extra climb rate they will give. They also build A LOT FASTER than scratch built wings. If $1800 fits your budget ,and you don't intend to go with the new wing shape, I'd be inclined to go with them. Get it flying. That's the fun part. :-) Larry Flesner