> Joe Hortons flight has got me motivated!
> Ron Smith
> Kr2ssxl
> Cypress Ca U.S.A.
Glad I can help. Here is some more. I got in a flight this morning before
work. Out side temp was about 38 deg and I kept steaming
up the canopy on the ramp but OK in the air. She climbed like crazy in
the cold showing 1500/ min. I stayed in the pattern and did 3 landings. I
was able to keep the speed under control and cross the numbers at 70 to
75 mph. I did one without flaps and the other 2 with flaps. They do have
enough effect to make a difference. I just need to adjust the deflection
angle some.
I stopped on the way home and did it all over again. The temp was
71 at 2500 feet and starting to get hazy in front of the front. I stayed
in the pattern the first time and did a pretty decent landing.( I didn't
have to clean parts off the runway) Second time around I left the pattern
and flew about 8 miles north at 3000' to see how close I had gotten with
the newly installed rudder trim tab. I think I got it pretty close as I
could leave my feet off the peddles. I was at a slow cruise speed of 125
mph at 2250 rpm. Climb was not as good tonight in the warmer humid air
but still very respectable at 1100/min. The 2nd landing attempt was a go
around that I decided pretty early as promised. I was close to 85 +
crossing the numbers. We came around and set up again and made a longer
finial. Speed was better and I put in full flaps and could feel her slow
down with very tiny bit of pitch change. We came across the numbers at
just over 70 and settled into ground effect. There was a couple few mph
right cross and I felt a slight bit of side loading and it also gave a
very gentle skip. She settled down and I pulled the nose wheel back up
until it had to drop. To touch down speed was right at 60 mph indicated.
All and all I'm still pretty happy.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.