> Joe, how long is your fuselage? Is it standard KR2S length? Did you
> use the "new airfoil" and the 1 degree incidence? If so, what is the
> incidence of your HS? I'm getting close to building my HS, and am
> wondering how I will set it. Someone, I think Mark L. said a piece
> of 3/32 ply under the aft HS spar should be perfect. I was wondering
> what you did, and how is the plane with regard to trim, if you
> noticed?
> Congratulations again on your remarkable achievement.
Ron and all,
My 2S fuselage is an 1 1/2 inch longer than the plans in the last
bay simply because I made a mistake and after many phone calls many years
ago I left it alone. I built the new airfoil with the stock spars.
I think that the incidence was as recommended. The horizontal stab. was
built and mounted when I discovered the new airfoil work. I was able to
get the horizontal stab. incidence adjusted but not to the perfect number
of neg. .75 deg. Again without looking it up right now mine is around neg
.7 deg ad also is not perfect from side to side. I think that the other
side is neg. .5 deg. Other wise the horizontal stab is per plans for size
shape and trim tab. The trim tab is extremely sensitive. I can barely
touch it and the plane changes pitch instantly. I did check the position
after landing yesterday and it was not even a 1/4 " out of plane with the
elevator. I have a lever on the cockpit side wall and I think that I am
going to change the wire location on the lever to reduce the throw to the
trim tab.
As far as the set up of wings and tail as a whole the plane is
plenty stable for me. From all that has been propagated through the years
I expected much more pitch sensitivity. Don't get me wrong it is very
quick in pitch response but I personally don't feel that it is anywhere
near uncontrollable. The best advice that I had was for gentle
unaggressive use of the stick with a loose grip.
I have not had much cruise work yet but I feel like I am flying
nose high. I have no reason to think that it is nose high it just maybe
how I sit in the cockpit and it being a new plane that I never got used
to before for the view to the horizon.
If I was building all new right now I would use all the new
airfoils on all the surfaces. Having said that I don't see anything that
will make me rebuild my tail.
Keep working everyone. There is a true joy waiting for you.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.