I built my own turtledeck and used a Todd's Canopy.  My boat was widened 3 
inches and the Todd Canopy fit perfectly.  Todd's also makes them up to 6 
inches wider.  A friend built and is now just recently flying a Longeze with a 
Todd's canopy and we were both very happy with the quality and the service.
You can see how I built my upper fuselage at:

If you are not a real tall person, you might be able to "stretch" the widened 
canopy out as much as the 44" width, but check with Todd Silver first.
His website:

As far as building your own Canopy, as Dan Heath says "don't even go there".
Check out Dan & Jerry's website at:
http://www.kr-builder.org/NewCanopy/index.html or

Dan and Jerry have a beautiful little bird that's just about ready to leap into 
the air. They have allot of really great ideas in there also...

Happy building!

1. I have read in the archives that some have been able to make the cabin as 
wide as 40 inches. Could this be made as wide as 42 or 44 inches? 

2. If one does make their cabin wider, are there readily accessable canopies 
out there or is that something that I'd have to scratch build?

Scott Cable
Jamestown, ND

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