> All that in a Pietenpol and you did what? > > "I saw that the wind was starting to move on the ground" > > You can see the wind!
wind sock you silly boy > > That is as bad as my wife "hearing footprints". we speak the same language > > good work! > > Chris > Yea, I know I left out a lot of details but hey I only had 5 min. to get a message written. Any way to fill in some of the details: Plane -- KR2S-- tri gear Engine-- 3100 cc corvair carb-- 38 mm aerocarb empty weight-- 724# prop-- Sterba 58 x 64 highest RPM in flight today--- 3250 flight duration -- 37 min. And for all the guys that have said that their first landings were their best -- I sure hope that I don't have to claim that because I'm pretty sure that I beat the runway into submission. No , I didn't have to go back and clean anything off the runway either. As for things I need to do it is a fairly short list right now. A rudder trim tab is needed to reduce work load. Airspeed seems to indicate about 8 mph faster than the gps. The nose wheel shimmied on landing, but I think that was more a function of the speed and force that we hit the ground at. I need to adjust the gain on the hot mic of the radio. The last one that concerns me the most is a vibration that I had that did not show up until in flight and is definitely rpm related. I will try rotating the prop 180 deg first. Things I loved -- This is the first lane that I have flown with a stick between the legs and I was instantly comfortable with it. I did not have to think about what I wanted to do it just seemed natural. The power the engine produces is nothing short of incredible. The jumps in air speed could be 20 or 30 mph in just seconds. Climb was the same way - a 300'/min decent can be turned into a 500'/min climb in just seconds. The plane is rock solid in pitch and roll. I didn't do much and certainly was not aggressive but when a turn was made it stayed on altitude and bank with only rudder needed to keep the ball centered. Yet the plane is extremely responsive. The flying qualities are from the start here everything that I had ever hoped for. The elevator trim is also very sensitive and needed very tiny movement to bring the plane into trim. For those that don't know I have a stock to plans tail feathers with the exception of the incidence which if I remember correctly is about -.7 deg. The wing is the new airfoil at 0 deg (I think) Like others have said before me -- Keep working at your dream- I can not think of a higher achievement in my life that I would not trade for love or money. Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA. joe.kr2s.buil...@juno.com