The REAL Cause of Many Unexplained Accidents? 
  A topic we tend to dismiss in hot weather is
carburetor icing. Humid air is plentiful in the
summer, and temperatures inside the carburetor can
drop 30 to 40 degrees. Summer or early fall are not
the times to forget "carb ice." No matter how many
hours we have logged, that "carb ice" gremlin can
sneak up and catch us by surprise. Engine runup on the
ground is by far a better place to discover it than
during flight. But many times it is during flight that
carb ice rears its ugly head. And when it happens it
may have progressed to the point where the only way is
down; that is, an immediate landing with little or no
available engine power. But first, let's review this
ever-present problem, look at means of detection, and
share some timely methods for staying ahead of engine
icing problems.   

What is Carb Ice and What Causes it? 

There is always some degree of moisture (humidity) in
the air that flows into and through an aircraft engine
for every unit of fuel burned. A carburetor provides
the explosive air/fuel mixture to each cylinder in the
engine, where your power is generated. 

As air is drawn into the small throat of a carburetor,
the venturi effect accelerates the air and cools it.
It cools even further when mixed with vaporized fuel.
When this moist air reaches the freezing level of
32°F, the ice particles that begin to form deposit
themselves on the throttle plate. The carburetor can
then become choked up by this ice to the point that
the engine receives less air than is required for full
power. The once-explosive air/fuel mixture becomes so
rich from excess fuel that the engine ceases to fire. 

What Conditions are Conducive to Carb Icing? 
Basically: Whenever the cooling effect of the air
flowing through the carburetor is sufficient to bring
the temperature of the carburetor throat down to 32¼F
or colder AND there is sufficient moisture in the air.


If the outside air temperature (OAT) is between about
20¼F and 30¼F with visible moisture or high humidity
If the relative humidity of the outside air is high,
even in a cloudless sky, with an OAT as low at 15¼F
and as high as 100¼F In the spring and fall,
especially just after a rain In other words,
carbureted engines are susceptible to icing almost

Are All Internal Combustion Engines Prone to Carb Ice?

No. In pressure carburetors, fuel is admitted at a
point past the throttle plate and downstream from the
air inlet throat. It is well on its way to the hot
engine before ice can form. In fuel- injected engines,
the air/fuel mixture sprayed into the engine cylinders
is metered into the hot cylinder at temperatures near
that of a volcano. So, there is no potential for carb
ice on either of these types. 

Our concern is the mixture of evaporating fuel and
moist air before it gets near the heat of the running
engine, and this only occurs in the float-type
carburetors found on most light aircraft. 

Detecting Carb Ice 
There are two opportunities to detect the subtle
indication of developing carb ice. The subtlety is a
gradual, small drop in RPM on a fixed-pitch prop
aircraft, even though the pilot did not retard the
throttle. On a constant-speed prop aircraft, carb ice
is manifested by a gradual, small drop in manifold
pressure (MP) while in flight. 
If detected early and dealt with correctly you can
easily prevent an untimely engine stoppage. 

During Pre-flight Engine Run-up 

On the ground during engine run-up, ice is easy to
identify positively and remove. On a Cessna, for
example, at 1,700 rpm the carburetor heat control is
pulled out fully to the hottest position. Because air
entering the carburetor after application of carb heat
is warm (from the engine compartment) and less dense,
you will notice an rpm decrease of 100 to 300 rpm, and
the rpm should remain low until the carburetor heat
control is pushed all the way back in. However, if the
100 to 200 rpm decrease is noted but slowly begins to
increase so that when the carb heat control is pushed
back in the rpm reads more than the original 1,700
rpm, you had carb ice. 

If it happened on the ground, it can happen again
during takeoff. While lined up on the centerline, just
before takeoff, I heartily recommend another
carburetor heat check. 

In Flight At Constant Cruise Throttle Setting 

An often asked student question during their ground
school training is, "If the engine fails in flight
because of carb ice, why not just apply carburetor
heat to melt the ice?" That is a reasonable question,
but let's look at why that action is more than likely
too late to help. 

Carburetor heat is obtained essentially from within
the engine compartment (rather than directly from the
intake air filter on the front of the aircraft). If
the engine has cooled sufficiently because of an
excessively rich air/fuel mixture, there may not be
sufficient hot air in the engine compartment to melt
the accumulation of carb ice even with the carb heat
control to full "hot." That is the point when the
engine will cease developing enough power to keep your

It is of the utmost importance to keep a sharp eye on
engine performance at all times. At the slightest hint
of deteriorating power (from decreasing rpm or MP) use
carburetor heat for at east eight to 10 seconds or for
however long the aircraft's manual recommends. 

The Explanation 

Many accidents and off-airport landings may have
occurred because unsuspecting pilots-having noted
decreasing engine power during cruise--pulled on
carburetor heat. Their engine immediately began
running very roughly and/or backfiring. In response to
such noise, they removed carburetor heat and continued
on their way. Continued, that is, until the engine
continued to slow and eventually quit. 

What happened? 

When the pilot applied carburetor heat at the first
sign of decreasing power, the warm air from the engine
compartment did just what it was supposed to do. It
melted the ice from the carburetor throat and throttle
plate. Where did the melted ice (now water) go? Right
into the engine that wants to burn gasoline, not
water; hence, a momentarily rough and perhaps
backfiring engine. 

If carburetor heat had been kept on long, the hot
engine and warm carburetor heat air would have kept
the carburetor ice-free. 

How to Fly Safely in Carb Ice Conditions 

When icing conditions exist, apply carburetor heat
often at your cruise throttle setting. 

Never use partial carburetor heat unless the aircraft
is equipped with a carburetor temperature gauge, ice
light, or similar instrumentation. Partial heat can
possibly make matters worse, unless you know exact
carburetor temperatures. Remember, full heat or

When below the green band on the rpm or MP gauge,
apply carburetor heat. It is good practice to use it
on any descent where you have reduced power. Use that
carburetor heat control on any aircraft at reduced
power settings and especially for landing. 

In conditions conducive to icing or if ice was noted
during engine run-up, perform another carburetor heat
check immediately before takeoff. DO NOT leave
carburetor heat on for the actual takeoff. Check your
POH or aircraft manual for general guidance. 

To be totally knowledgeable, I recommend that everyone
read FAA Advisory Circular 20-113 concerning
precautions and procedures for preventing induction
and fuel system icing. 

Final Reminder 

Carburetor heat will keep carb ice from forming if
applied early enough, often enough, and long enough. 

AC 20-113, Pilot Precautions and Procedures to be
taken in Preventing Aircraft Reciprocating Engine
Induction System and Fuel System Icing Problems, is
free from U.S. Department of Transportation,
Subsequent Distribution Office, Ardmore East Business
Center, 3341 Q 75th Avenue, Landover, MD 20785. 

by Pete Humphrey 

Mr. Humphrey is from Hagerstown, MD and is an Aviation
Safety Counselor for the FAA's Baltimore Flight
Standards District Office. This article originally
appeared in the Baltimore FSDO's Aviation Safety
Program newsletter, Mid-Atlantic Flight Safety

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