I must say this is one of the best aviation companies I have ever dealt with. I 
bought a used David Clark headset on eBay for $60 which is a model H10-50. I 
emailed DC after I received it and asked them what it would cost to upgrade the 
headset to the latest technology and they responded by telling me this headset 
is now out of production and is a high noise general aviation version of the 
H10-56 Helicopter headset which now sells for about $650.  They also said the 
upgrade would be $81.25 so I sent the headset to them and just got it back this 
morning. They installed a new mic, new mic boom, new mic muff, new ear foams, 
new foam inside the the headset cups, a new communication cord with new plugs, 
new ear gel seals, new double foam headband comfort pad cover and completely 
tested and tuned the headset. The only thing I got back that actually looked 
like what I sent them was the plastic green ear cups. All of these components, 
if bought from a major parts house would have been over $200. What a deal for a 
factory upgraded headset. Oh yea, it also has a new warranty. Talk about a 
company that cares about it's customers, David Clark is definitely one that 
does. I can't wait to go fly with this headset this afternoon.
Mark Jones (N886MJ) 
Wales, WI 
Visit my web site: http://mywebpage.netscape.com/n886mj 
Email: flyk...@wi.rr.com 

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