Cris wrote- >I found the time to upload some pics of Alberto Zorzi's KR2S on my web >space. >If you want, you can see at:
If you haven't taken a look at the pictures of Alberto's airplane, by all means take the time to do so! This one would take home some awards at any major fly-in, and is a beautiful example of the marque. The paint scheme is very similar to Roy Marsh's (the Rand-Robinson "poster child" for the KR2S) and the cockpit is very nicely detailed. Note to Mark Langford- if Alberto's plane isn't linked to the 'completed KRs' page, it should be, as it is an inspiration on how to detail out a KR. PS- I will be meeting Cris in person in a few weeks, and will be hand-delivering his set of KR and -2S plans and supplements to him. That's one of the reasons why he hasn't started his project yet... no plans yet! Oscar Zuniga San Antonio, TX mailto: website at