Our host has been having a lot of problems lately. In fact, our EAA site was with the same host and bit the dust about a month ago and I have just been waiting to see when our site would be out of service. Yesterday morning when it became unavailable, (it came back up later in the day) I decided to move it and have done so. It now has a new name that is easier to remember and enter, just leave out the dash. It is as listed below. The old name, as soon as the change takes affect, will still be good until it expires sometime next year. So, if you have any links to our site, you may want to change them the next time you are messing with whatever the links are stored in. The new site is guaranteed 99.9% up time and seems to be really quick.
See you in Mt. Vernon - 2005 - KR Gathering See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building has expired. Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC