Here we can get a biaxial glass of 410 grams/sqm that is actually two layers
of unidirectional glass lightly stitched together at +/- 45 deg as it comes
off the roll. No cutting at 45 deg and no overlaps (high spots) to contend
with when fairing. Just lay the roll at the root and run it to the tip. A
sacrifical layer of deck cloth over that will take care of most pinholes and
give a surface that needs very little filling.
TIP: Just after doing the layup, sprinkle a generous amount of micro over
the entire surface and gently rub it in to the weave. If your hands start to
drag then you have too little micro. Be sure to wear gloves for this part.
Allow to cure and sand away the excess micro and into the deck cloth for a
good finish.
As the famous saying goes: " Your milage may vary"
Dene Collett
KR2S builder
Freelance whisper assembler
South Africa

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