i have done hi >speed taxi test with him all seems the same except of course cg is more aft >making the nose lot easer to raise . >mac 2w6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I'm guessing you must have a tri-gear KR if the nose is easier to raise. I would have to agree with several of the post that suggest adding weight a bit at a time. I used rock salt bags at 40#'s each when working up on my weight. Do a very accurate W&B check to make sure you will stay in the CG range. You will be amazed at the performance loss as you increase the weight. With a full 200 pound passanger expect your performance to be cut in half. I'm talking takeoff and climbout here. With my tailwheel gear, one of my tests as I kept adding weight was to make sure I could raise the tail and roll level on the mains before liftoff. I was ASSUMING that if I could do that at liftoff speed, with the wheel contact point ahead of my C.L., that it was at least a flyable airplane. I'm not sure how you'd check for control on a tri-gear. I would STRONGLY ADVISE you NOT to go the full 200 pounds in one shot. Good luck, play safe............... Larry Flesner