> >Please have a few beers for me at the gathering, I'm still in Baghdad >enjoying the sunny Middle-East - no real beer allowed. My almost finished >KR2S awaits my return. Just sand/fill and paint left to do. I'm hoping to >fly in for the 06 gathering. >LTC Rob Schmitt >Baghdad, Iraq +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
LTC Schmitt, I'm sure I speak for most everyone on the krnet when I say we appreciate your service. Those of us in the U.S. should appreciate the fact that we can go to the airport, roll out our KR and go flying without getting clearance or reporting to anyone. I'm sure the Gathering campers will raise their glass in a toast to your efforts. You guys with the cameras, how about posting a picture of the event? It could be in honor of all those serving such as Eric pitts and others. THANK YOU........... Larry Flesner