Jim, Try www.warpdrive.com (I think is the website or you can google warp drive props) The thing that I like about a Warp Drive is the ability to adjust the pitch. Which allows you to optimise the pitch settings for your particular engine / aircraft combination. To do that with a wooden prop is expensive to have done... Warp Drive also sells a conversion kit to convert a ground adjustable prop to a flight adjustable prop. So if you ever decide that you want more performance out of your airplane, or decide to add a turbo to your EA-81, having a flight adjustable prop is a simple matter of conversion kit installed. Something to think about anyway... Jim Sellars <paladinfinanc...@rogers.com> wrote: Still need a good direction to chase down a prop. I would like to have a 58" three bladed composite, but would like advice about wooden props too. Please let me know any ideas.
Scott Cable Jamestown, ND s2cab...@yahoo.com --------------------------------- Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page