  I faced the same kind of dilemma, only mine being is that my fuselage was 3 
inches wider than plans.  I thought about splitting mine down the middle, then 
scabbing in a pie shaped piece to fill the void.  After much consideration, I 
felt the bottom line was that splitting a RR part would be adding un-necessary 
weight, and involve waaay to much finish sanding to yield acceptable results.  
I  built my own Hat-stiffened turtle deck that ended up weighing half as much 
as the RR "pre-molded" part.  Sanding and forming foam is only about 1000% 
easier than sanding micro and / or flox.  Your results may vary, but you can 
see how I built mine at:
Godd luck and happy sanding!

kr2flyer <> wrote:
Has anyone had success taking the Rand Robinson pre-molded turtledeck for
the KR2 and lengthening it to fit a longer fuselage? Mine fuselage is 14"
longer than the original KR2 but shorter than the KR2S. Is it worth the
effort to adapt it?

Scott Cable
Jamestown, ND

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