The proper way to install a BRS in a KR is to mount the pod inside/under the turtle deck directly behind the center of the seat back. You will need to cut a hole in the top of the turtle deck for the rocket and parachute to exit through. This hole will be glassed over with one layer of very lightweight deck cloth. That will allow the ejection to break through and exit the airplane. There are three straps which will need to be attached to the KR as a harness for the chute. The tail strap will run along the top of the turtle deck down to the tail cone where it should be attached to the forward horizontal spar. The two forward straps will work their way forward down the fuselage side across the top of the stub wing and attach to the forward spar at the rear WAF. The best way to do all of this is to install the harness as you build the plane. That way, you can form channels for the straps to lay in. If you do it after the fact, the straps will be visible after they are glassed over with lightweight deck cloth. In either case the straps must be protected from epoxy so it will not affect the integrity of the straps. Upon deployment of the chute, the straps will rip right through the deck cloth and hold the KR level as you descend. The installation is simple if done while building and is good life insurance for around three grand.
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI Visit my web site: Email: