You must realize that there is no such thing as "do not archive" on the lists. 
Every post made to the lists are archived. The list moderator does not have the 
time to decide which post will be archived and which will not be archived. 
Therefore, please use common sense about what you post as it will be there 
forever for everyone to see. This is just an FYI so you are simply wasting your 
time by typing "do not archive" in your e-mail. About the only good it does is 
to help folks hit the delete button faster since they will recognize the post 
is not worth reading. As an example, I just did a search on the KR Net list and 
1010 "do not archive" post popped up. Talk about wasted time and space. Thanks

Mark Jones (N886MJ) 
Wales, WI 
Visit my web site: 

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