Hello Net Today was just to pretty to pass up, so I went to the airport for some pattern work. Around and around I went till the oil temp said no more. and inside the cockpit got up to 102, so I called it quits and parked the KR in front of the hanger. After some time to cool off, I tried to pull the KR into the hanger and to my surprise, the left main was flat. The answer to the question How far will a KR roll? is not at all with a flat and the wheel pants on. At least I was not able to pull it. I guess it got punctured on the taxi back to the hanger, because I put air in it to roll in in and it was flat again before I could close the door.
I switching to Cleveland wheels and I'm awaiting my purchase. Does anyone know if there is any size difference from the Matco wheels that I now have and the Cleveland's. I know that the axle is the same and it uses the same tire that my KR presently has. But, will my wheel pants fit without mods?????? Orma Southfield, MI N110LR Tweety, old enough to drink this year Flying and more flying, to the gathering or bust http://www.kr-2.aviation-mechanics.com/