I agree that the KR net should be mainly about KRs but I also see us as a  
community of flying and building FRIENDS!  If somebody is stuck on a  
problem or wants to share something with his friends I see no  problem.  A 
lot of us share our flying experiences and daily struggles with  each other for 
support and encouragement.  We remember that this is a KR  net - about KRs - 
but let us not forget that there are PEOPLE building and  flying them.  
Relationships mean more than wood and foam.  I would not  be flying a KR if not 
the people I have met and the experience I have shared  with them.  If topics 
get too far off line I agree that we should Email  directly to each other and 
not on the krnet.  (My mistake on that  point)  The point is to learn and 
encourage - share your experiences and  YYYEEEHHHAAAWWWs!

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