Hello Net Since I had a small job at the airport today, I decided to fly no matter what. It seemed that this big black cloud hung over the airport all day. The winds were down the runway 14 gusting to 25, I had fueled the plane yesterday, so I pulled it out the hanger did a preflight, added 1/2 quart of oil and jumped in. I turned on power and the radio to hear ATIS and was making notes when the foul smell of electronics burning hit my nose. From under the radio stack rose a few stringy patches of smoke. Since the nav/com was on and working and the only other radio in the stack was the transponder, I quickly turned it off. In as much as used ones (AT50A) cost $500 to $600, you would think that needing a replacement would be punishment enough, but that's not so. I decided to fly anyway and up I went. First landing, I bounced so hard I had to apply power to recover. The second was no better and then the rain started along my downwind path. It was somewhat hard and stayed in the same place for the next two circuits. My third landing was a wheel landing and was at best just OK. Having had enough problems, I decided not to press my luck and put the KR back in the hanger.