I find that landing on narrow runways are easier even in x-wind conditions, 
good practice too, however
I do not fly a KR yet. 

Tri-Q1   N2XV

Re: KR> pitch change/ flaps/ speed brake

  a.. From: Mark Langford (view other messages by this author) 
  b.. Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 07:14:52 


Yep, I've always thought of reflexing ailerons and flaps during cruise as a 
band-aid for a poor design, or some other compromise, although I could be 
wrong.  I guess everything's a compromise though.

Right now my ailerons are relexed a little.  On the ground they are pretty 
close, but once in the air the pressure on the trailing edge cusp tightens 
them up so that they each stick up about 3/16" or so.  I need to readjust 
them downward to compensate, so that in flight they are in line with the 
rest of the wing.  Maybe I'll do that Friday or Saturday, or next time it 
rains and I can't fly anyway.  Weather kept me from flying yesterday, so I 
did some other maintenance stuff instead. Maintenance is limited where I am, 
because there's no air or electricity (or even light, at night).  I'm 
starting to practice landing on half the runway, so I can get ready to land 
on the 40' wide runway at Hazel Green.  I noticed last night that back when 
I got my license, MDQ's runway was only 65' wide, and that didn't concern me 
at the time, so maybe it's not a biggie...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford

email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net

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