I know that there are a few persons who appear to be happy with their POSA.
I am just throwing in the reason that I literally junked mine that I was
using on the Little Beast. After fiddling with it for an awful number of
hours, I thought that it was running fairly good. Therefore, I filled up
with fuel and went out for some taxi tests. I got to the end of the runway,
with the engine progressively running worse and then it quit and would not
restart. At first, I blamed it on bad fuel but later found out what you
already know. With a low head, it ran OK but when I filled it up, it got so
rich that it fouled the plugs. That was the end of the POSA. You can spend
your life messing with it and bet your life on it, or you can get an Ellison
or some other good carb, and go fly. 

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2005 - KR Gathering

See N64KR at http://KR-Builder.org - Then click on the pics 

There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building
has expired.

Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

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