When heat treating, pre heat an electric oven to about 450 deg. F. use an magnet held in one hand and heat the part up with an acetylene torch until the part becomes non magnetic. Put it into the oven and turn it off. Let it cool gradually.
-Joe Message: 7 List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 00:27:08 -0400 From: "Brian Kraut" <brian.kr...@engalt.com> Subject: RE: KR> 4130 steel To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net> Message-ID: <kjebljfecpkcbnhpcnccgeigdhaa.brian.kr...@engalt.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I am not an expert on this, but I believe that you heat to a dull red to normalize.