From: "Ronald Metcalf" <>
> I would also rather be on the ground - in another state.
> Trying to get more than two dissimilar aircraft (particularly in terms of
> power), with pilots of varying skill levels, most without training in
> formation flying, into the same chunk of sky, at more or less the same
> is not the cleverest thing I have heard about recently.

You are absolutely correct and I hope you do not think we would be in
formation like the Blue Angels. A group fly does not require tight formation
and if being two to three hundres yards apart from another plane is scary,
then one does not need to be flying.  The flight from Hartford to Oshkosh is
only 38.8 miles so about the time we got in the air, we would be over Ripon,
WI for staging arrival by the controllers. We would basically be in a
straight line following each other in so there is  no time for any type of
formation flying. Arrivals at Oshkosh are less than 30 seconds apart and you
can be on final with three planes at a time for the same runway with each
plane assigned a different touchdown spot on the runway. You will hear
instructions form the controller saying something like "white experimental
with red stripes, touch down on green spot on runway". You do not respond
verbally, yet rock your wings in acknowledgement. Yes, there is a lot of
traffic but it is as orginized and as choreographed as you will ever see.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
web page:
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