This is somewhat off topic, so please send replies direct to me to keep from making people crazy. I will synthesize the answers and report back, so nobody will miss anything.
I calibrated my airspeed indicator tonight using a manometer (I'll show you how later). It's dirt simple, and told me that my ASI reads 52% of the speed that it should read! So if I'd actually believed it, I'd have tried to land at 125 mph rather than 65 mph! I'm pretty tired of hearing stories about how you don't even need an ASI to land an airplane, so just save it for your grandchildren. So...I need a new one. Does anybody have any reliability info on the various brands? This one's the cheapo UMA, non TSO'd, that I bought brand new several years ago. I feel pretty sure it's futile to try to swap it, but I might check, just for kicks. I'm not sure I want another UMA though, even a TSO'd one. Anybody have any recommendations? I've seen the offerings at AS&S and Wicks, and will order one tomorrow morning. Send replies direct to me... Thanks, Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at email to N56ML "at" --------------------------------------------------------------