Steve Henderson wrote: >>I have a question regarding getting insurance on my KR. I have been told that if I rebuild a vw engine from new parts that I order and rebuild my own engine, I will not be able to get insurance on my plane, but if I order an engine kit from Great Plains then I will have no problem. I have been building engines for 16 years and know that I can build a safe engine. If anybody has any experience on this subject could you help me out? <<
I just got insurance for my homebrewed Corvair powered KR2S, for which there are very few flying examples yet, so the VW has to be insurable as well. William Wynne told me to call Bob Mackey at Falcon insurance. I didn't tell Bob that I had built it from scratch, but he didn't ask either. So Falcon is one option, and they are the EAA's insurance provider. I've also heard good things about Sky Smith. Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at email to N56ML "at" --------------------------------------------------------------