Sorry for the wide post, but my response to Jim Morehead failed and I figured he get my message this way.
Rick Coykendall Pacifica, CA The following addresses had delivery problems: Persistent Transient Failure: Delivery time expired Delivery last attempted at 11 May 2005 15:59:59 +0000 From: To: Jim Morehead <> Subject: Re: Golden West Fly In/West Coast KR Gathering List-Post: Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 15:59:59 +0000 Jim, Good idea with the photos; Ill include that when I send out an email to everyone just prior to the event. Meanwhile you can see my project at Rick > Rick, > Looking forward to meeting you. [SNIP] > Wow did we ever get along before the cell phone. ha > Hope all with bring pictures of their projects. > > Jim