
Yes, Dan Heath and I put together a KR2 X-plane model.
I have two models, One as per plans and one as per
Langford's modifications. Not all modifications, just
the incidence and decalage.

So far as flying it is concerned, it is a little too
touchy compared to the real thing (so I have been
told). But the good thing is you can tweak it further
to be more true to the real flight model. My personal
experience is that Mark's modifications help in

If you want, I can email it to you. The reason it is
not put online anywhere is because it is not close
enough to the real thing yet and is a work in progress
(progress.... sort of :o))

Ameet Savant
ameetsavant yahoo com

--- Bart Ferguson <> wrote:
>   Well I've looked through the archives and found
> some reference to
> somebody creating a flight model for X Plane, but
> haven't yet come
> across one online. Has anyone put one together? FWIW
> it seems a lot
> harder to fly than a real aircraft but then again
> need a set of real
> controls and not just a toystick.

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