In the past, John Esch had floated the idea of a West Coast Gathering. Well, 
the Golden West Fly-In is coming up on June 3, 4, and 5, so I’m suggesting a 
bunch of us KR builders, flyers, and interested parties use it as a meeting 
place. I’m thinking we could get together on Saturday, June 4 for either lunch 
or dinner. 

I’ll be coming up from Pacifica, and Scott Bailey of Belmont may be joining us. 
Last I talked to Steve Glover he was planning to fly in. Dave Hartz is not far 
away, in Novato -- Bennett Scheuer is also in the North Bay, so I’m thinking we 
could get together a good size crowd to sit and talk KRs. 

Have a look at . If you’re thinking of joining us, 
contact me at and perhaps we can arrange carpools -- and 

Rick Coykendall

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