Sorry Guys,
I know this has been discussed over and over. I have searched the archives and 
could not really find the answer. I have a 2L VW type 4 turbo motor which was 
running with a Stromberg 175 carburator. I have now modified the complete 
system and will be running two Mr Turbo fuel injection and electronic ignition 
systems. The 2 inlet manifolds have been modified to take 4 injectors each. 
Thus having system 1 and 2. Both systems can run together (via toggle 
switches), producing spark to all 8 plugs, but there will be a toggle switch 
feeding the common points on injectors 1 or injectors 2, thus sellecting either 
injectors 1 or injectors 2. A throttle body will be placed in the possition of 
my existing carburator. QUESTION: Is it acceptable to mount a K&N filter inside 
the cowling next to the engine mount or is it prefreble to mount a cone filter 
inside a tube which is then ducted to a mesh covered intake on the front of the 
Jaco Swanepoel
South Africa 

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