By the way, they were not made by Dan Diehl. They were made in South 
Africa, where one guy used to have a KR2 license from Ken Rand, and was 
manufacturing and marketing the pre-molded parts locally.


If you ever need new parts - you can get exact replacements (from the
same moulds) - I gather from Jaco Swanepoel [] that
Peter Eich still has the moulds and offers:  (Prices may have changes

Wing skins - ZAR (US$ 1,250)
Stub wing - ZAR 2,000 ($335)
Cowling - ZAR 1,200 ($200)
Spinner - ZAR 800 ($135)

Very nice canopies (stretched / widened) are available ex CT - ZAR 1500
($250).  This included fitting to the pre-made canopy frame.  Can also
be tinted.

Did you have any hassles converting a ZS PPL to Europe - I gather that
the Euro / UK (JAR) requirements are stiff?

Take care
Steve J

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