Brian Douglas wrote: > I was out flying for the first time in 2 months (due to job and WX). When > during a fast low aproach at full throttle the engine skipped a beat. Just > one beat but it was heard on the ground and I d mn sure felt it. It has > done this before and I was thinking that the filter after the Gascolator was > just to much for the gravity feed carb. IE running lean, I removed the > element and it seemed better.
I don't know diddley about Revflows, but everything you describe so far sounds like insufficient fuel flow. Wide open throttle only, right? Is it gravity feed? If so, I'd do a fuel flow test and make sure you have more than enough (I think the rule is at least 50% more flow than WOT would require). That's a start though. Is it better with a full tank than near empty? That would be another clue. ?That's where I'd start... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at email to N56ML "at" --------------------------------------------------------------