Jerry Morris <> wrote: Ron
from the krnet list i went to your link and i saw your pictures. I have hear of bent spars but i don't yet understand. Is it just the rear center spar that is bent(laminated) to keep from having to bend the rear Wing Attach Fittings(WAF) and is this a real advantage? or is it a diahedrelle kind of bend on both center spars just to look better? I am a bout ready to order the spruce for my spars and i am going to use the new airfoil. Is there a good place beside aircraftspruce to get the wood. I don't mind milling it myself but not shure of the order list. of quanty and size. I need to get the plywood too. i live in colorado and shipping will most likely be as much as the wood. thanks jerry morris kr1 boat stage. Hi Jerry, I would direct you to Mark Lankfords site and look at the section entitled " The Gospel according to Mark". The answer to both of your questions is "yes". I did it for functionality and looks, and ease of building. With the bend at the fuselage I can lay up the whole wing and do away with the plywood rib at the stub end. I suggest you do a search on the archives before you start. If I were starting now I would order the spar stock in 1/4 inch width, for both the main and rear spar center sections. I ripped the stock they sent me with the kit, and that was a REAL PAIN. I had to order more spar stock anyway, because of the material you lose doing the ripping. I bought the 5 3/4 stock and cut it in half to save a little $. My spar is stronger, do to the fact that it is laminated. I'm getting really stoked about my project right now. On the Spruce....I live just 20 miles from Aircraft Spruce. Lucky me! I just drive there and pick up stuff "will call". I have never had a problem with them, and I would not try to save on the wood kit by cutting myself. It is a small expense of the project as a whole. I would use only aircraft quality spruce for a reputable distributer.........but that is just me. You are in for some real soon as you begin.......Jerry :) Ron Smith, Kr2ssxl