>Another part of the stability improvement may be attributed to the
>improvement in decalage, lining the wings up with the fuselage so the two
>are not "fighting" each other for priority.  That's total conjecture on my
>part however, and may be total hogwash, but I'm groping for an explanation.
>Troy does report a real improvement to his airplane though, and all that
>changed was his main wing and it's incidence to the fuselage.  His tail 
>is unchanged, I think, but the tail's control surfaces were actually made>
>smaller.  Hard to say which one caused his improvement. If he did lengthen
>his h/s, that would certainly account for some of his improvement.

I visited with Troy last week and got a good look at his airplane. I'm 
pretty sure he told me his HS is now 6 inches wider per side than it was and 
he made his VS match. I have some good pictures of his airplane  that show 
the tail if anyone wants to see it.
He even gave me a demo flight, him flyin and me on the ramp watchin.
That is one fast little airplane.
Steve Bray
Jackson, Tennessee
KR2, third owner and getting closer to completeion.

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