Dear Bill,
Best medicine in the world, going to the airport and
hearing that engine run. 
Hope you have a great Arizona day.
Frank Ross
Still in England where it is a little damper, but
still beautiful.

--- Bill Starrs <> wrote:
> Few years ago some one wrote a sure fire procedure
> in starting the VW. It  consists of this. Mixture
> full rich. All switches ON. Pump the throttle TWO
> times leaving it in almost full throttle ...just a
> small crack . Hit the starter button or key and
> VOOOOOOOM every time . I have been very sick lately
> and did not run the engine in over two years. I went
> out to the airport yesterday and on the first shot
> VOOOOM I sure have a lot to thank the guy that
> shared that little bit of knowledge. pass it
> on..Bill Starrs

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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