Thanks Bev it wasn't meant as inflammatory but you know how old farts =
get. I
really enjoy the postings here and continue to learn something new every
day. You hit upon the only reason I posted in the first place, there are
some fellows on the Net that are either not pilots yet or are low time =
need to know that each and every statement made here is subject to =
investigation. As many have stated results may vary. I do believe that =
it is
up to the high time guys to pitch in wherever possible to clarify =
things the rest of us take for granted. I sit here each night waiting to =
something new for me to learn and it is very rare indeed when that =
happen. I've gotten to the point now where I have to draw the line and
complete my bird and quit incorporating changes unless of course it has =
do with safety/risk management. The chances of this however are very =
since with the wealth of information both here and in the archives has
almost made building a KR a no-brainer. Time to quit typing and resume


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