Ive helped WW out in the past and hope to do more here in the very near future - like next week. I know that a lot of people would like to be able to get all the "small stuff" from WW directly but it is the fact that everyone seems to make a different installation that makes it difficult to have a "kit". There is a firewall forward kit becoming available for the Zenair 601 and that includes everything needed - just a bolt on kit. We have a good start on the KR2 firewall forward kit but not there yet. We have the mounts and are upgrading a cowling and starter package for it that will reduce hoses and oil modifications. Just be patient. A lot of Corvair KR guys went with a rear starter package which necesitates a lot of customizing and personalized work. As well, I have found that most KR folk dont want to spend the $ for a finished package and want to save money by designing their own. That is why wing skins and preformed parts dont sell as well. They do require a lot of investment and the person developing them should be paid accordingly but a lot of us are cheapskates..... myself included (under 8500.00 so far in mine).
I went out today for the first flight in almost a month. Like I mentioned before I was doing some mods and cleanup - inspection - work. Beautiful - 6:30 - sunset - 65 degrees - Took off and noticed I climbed like a banshee....gap seals must have helped....reduced power to 3400...climed to 3000 and leveled off. At 3400 showed an average of 154 mph...not bad. Full power showed 175 mph - again not too bad...but then i noticed that my rpms had increased from full power on previous flight of 3800 to this time a 3900 peak full power. I gained 100 rpm with my mods but very little in mph. I know for sure a new prop will have to be checked out. I hope my reconditioned prop gets here soon to test out. I think that in the last three hundred rpms that I have run out of prop efficiency. I know this baby has a lot more it can give but I just need testing time. I came down from 3000 and shot a straight in approach on 35, on final doing 165 and slowing down to a greaser landing at 50mph. And this at night...The panel lights work better now and having strobes helps the tower find me. I wont do very much night flying since I dont have and attitude indicator yet but it will be nice for landing after dusk and leaving out early in the mornings on clear days. For now it is ready for Sun N Fun. Time to put on a few more hours.. see some more sunsets... 41768 - Bill