Hello Group,

I went from "Lurker" to "Builder" yesterday! I aquired a KR-2 boat, front 
center spar, cowl and fuel tank. I'm very pleased with the "stuff" and we 
trucked it home yesterday without incident. The parts are approximately 12 
years young and the "semi kit" came without plans so I'll be contacting RR soon 
for a set of KR-2 plans.

The tailpost has not been installed yet so the parts are just about what I 
would want from a stand point of continuing the build. I will get to decide on 
how to proceed with the canopy, tail, wing and other items.

As a new builder, I do have a few questions though. While moving the boat I 
damaged the upper cowl, nothing major, just a small crack but it will need to 
be repaired. The cowl appears to be stock RR stuff. 

What type of resin was used to make these cowls?

There is some very minor water damage to the plywood on the floor near the tail 
and in the area between where the seats the seats will eventually be. It just 
looks like it got wet and then dried out. There is no delamination of the 

Should I be concerned about this and remove the stained plywood and scarf in 
some new plywood? It will not be visible so from a cosmetic point of view it is 
not a problem.

There is a small hole in the side of the boat just behind the rear spar 
mounting location, several inches up from the bottom about the size of my fist.

What should I do to repair this?

And finally the adhesive that was used to bond the wood together is white in 

What is this adhesive and should I continue with it for the rest of the build?

I have Dr. Dean wing attach fittings and I would like to use them on the KR-2 
wings with the "new" 15% airfoill. Kind of a KR-2S wing on a KR-2.

Any problems with doing this?

The price of the parts was very reasonable so I'm not concrned with the 
repairs, I just want to get this KR project going again and restarted it on the 
right foot, or left take your pick! LOL!

Just the beginning of the learning/building process and any help/advice that 
you all may be able to provide will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ... Denny

"I can train a monkey to wave an American flag. That does not make the monkey 

Scott Ritter
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