3/7/05 HI all Here is some info that you should look at about David mikesell and the 583 that I traded him. First of all I told him that I would help him out all that I could. I call Gordon Saum a rotax dealer/ serv that I paid $2,170 for to go thew and replace any bad parts on the gear box and 583 as paid for. He went strait to Gordon and started threatening him with a lawsuit. First he called my wife and told her that the head bolt were leaking water. So I call him back as soon as I heard the bad news as documented by ph call and email. He did not even wait for me to call back and started to take it apart that voided any warranty's that may have had on it. Most used engine and rebuilt engines don't have them in the rotax world and if the do it is only about 30 day. But I still told him that he would be taken care of even if I had to pay and go after Gordon. I had know idea that the 583 was not gone thew and was a piece of trash as stated by David Mikesell and also stated that Gordon had indeed gone thew it and bench tested it as to his phone call to Gordon and mine. I never ran it or even had motor mounts made to use it. Even he him self told me that there is know way that I could have known it because it had not been run as documented by ph call and e-mail. As Soon as he told me that he was going to file a law suit at Gordon I recorded all e-mail and had my wife monitor all phone conversation with him .Even after Gordon told him he was not going to pay for his parts he came after me and he has all right to do so as I sold it as a rebuild,not knowing the shape that it was in.I would do the same thing. Even after him slandering my name and livelihood on many web sites I still after manyPhone calls and e-mail I still gave he my word that I would take care of this. I told him that I would sent it back to the shop were it came from and have it gone thew again as stated by Gordon Saum in e-mail below. Now he is telling me and everyone that I refused to have it fix. I would be more then happy to share all info in this matter with anyone as I have nothing to hide. As far as the Geo that I got from him It was sold in a a/c as he Had knowledge that is way I was trading it. I feel for the lost time that he has had over all this.Even with all the lawsuit things and slandering of my name I was still willing to have it sent back or even send him cash that he had told me would be ok in the first place but this is not good enough for him now he wants me to pay for his engine that I sold. Had he found out about these problems before I had sold the engine that is after almost a month. I would have been more then happy to send it back to him. Not only does he want me to pay $4,000 for his old engine he wants me to pay for his gyro that a customer was going to buy and said that he lost the deal because of this. I have been more than willing to help him out and now I am in a rock and a hard spot because I trussed some one to go thew and rebuild a engine for me that was never done. I would be more then happy to get some input in all of this and would be more than willing to share all info on this matter with anyone. Here is my PH# that has been already given out by mike and now by me. please share your thought on this? (360)956-0347 or E-mail ru4fly...@yahoo.com
William Walsh. Gordon thanks I will now send him a email that I have fix for him. Gordon Saum <gs...@starband.net> wrote: Hi Bill, He did call and started right off on me, he is something else, I simply said if I do anything at all I would work through you. Not to him. I will make it very easy for you and him, just tell him to send the engine back to you( not to me), you send it back to me and I will go through it, AGAIN. The piston that looked back, was just looks, it miked out fine and would have given good service. They run like that in sleds forever. I will make it right to you, but I will not deal with that ##### he is weird. The parts he bought are his problem, tell him to return them. Thanks Gordie <>< 906-492-3520 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com