Greetings from sunny Florida. I thought I would pass this information on to you good gentleman Of what I discovered today. Today I tordown a high time engine and discovered the most wonderful thing. It looked as if it could another 2000 hours. The pistons all looked good, Crank looked barely used, and not a bit of varnish to be found. Well, I called the owner up and asked him what he was putting in the engine. He told me that he added the product Avblend at every oil change, and would not run an engine without it. After I finished talking to him I got write on the phone and called Aircraft spruce and ordered some. I wont run my engine any more without it either. The part number is 08-05470 and is about $20.00 per. 12oz can. One can per. every four cylinders. It is also FAA approved.
Safe Flying Ferris Mcgee Milton, Florida KR N61305