Mark Jones wrote: > What is the small flex tubing running out the side of your intake just aft > of the carb? > Was there any reason why you put the filters downstream of the Facets? I > installed mine upstream to protect the facets.
That clear flex line runs to the EIS manifold pressure sensor, which has a readout in terms of tenths of an inch of manifold pressure. It's pretty neat! I have a screen over the "main" large intake, and after that, there's another little filter that Facet sells that's screwed into the inlet that protects the pump. The thing that worries me about that filter is that it has very little area, and it wouldn't take much to clog it up, which is where the other system comes into play. On that line I have no filter before the Facet, but a large area filter after it. Between the two of them, something's going to work. And Allen Wiesner suggested a new connection between aux tank the secondary fuel system side, so that's an idea that would give me three places to suck fuel from... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at email to N56ML "at" --------------------------------------------------------------