I have found out the hard way that it is much better to use the rolled hinges when you use them to attach your top and bottom cowl halves together instead of the extruded hinges. If I had bought them just for the cowl I would have used the cheaper rolled hinges that are plenty strong for the application, but I had a bunch of extra extruded hinge.
The problem with the extruded hinge is that the hinge pin fits much tighter and you have a lot harder time getting the pin in and out if your alignment is not perfect. Fortunately, a KR has a relatively straight cowl at the attach point so it is not usually a problem, but my Mustang has a fairly rounded cowl shape and the hinge goes around a gradual curve. I have found that if you have a very tight hinge pin that you can take a long hinge pin and beat it about an inch from the end with a hammer to flatten it. Then you file it sort of rectangular to get the correct size and sharp corners. File a bullet shape on the end and you can put it in a drill and use it to make the holes bigger. Brian Kraut Engineering Alternatives, Inc. www.engalt.com