At 10:14 PM 2/16/2005, you wrote:

> >
> > >I figured the area as flat
> > >plate of the wing dimensions. Am I doing something wrong or is this  a
> > >case of the spec's not being correct???
> >
> > Try including the portion of the wing in the fuselage.
> >
>That would add about 12sq. ft. but I do not picture that as to be
>included as wing area. I believed that wing area was that portion of the
>aircraft that had an  airfoil. If my number would be accurate then wing
>loading numbers would increase.
>         Some how I don't feel like I can be right after all the 78 to 80
>sq. ft. number has been used for 30 years.
>Thanks - Joe Horton

The fuselage contributes lift approximately equal to that which would be 
seen from a continuous wing.  Just extrapolate the wing through the 
fuselage and add in this as wing area.  This is found any number of 
reference books on aeronautical engineering.

Don Reid  -  donreid "at"
Bumpass, Va

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