My circuit is 115kts on down wind, reduced to 90kts on base and 85kts on final, over the fence at 85kts and about 20ft, power completely off (if not already off), into ground affect at about 65kts and float forever to stall on at about 40kts (or less). I can go slower, but like Colin, I find I get blown about a lot on gusty days and the elevators are a bit mushy. (I?m generally too high and have to side slip a little to get down to 20ft over the fence, no flaps or belly board)
I can slow to 60 odd knots on final and hang it of the prop to do a short landing but I feel this is dangerous and I?ve only done it in nil wind conditions. Last Sunday I was landing in 8 to 12 knots 90 degree gusting cross wind with relatively no problem (only one real big bounce, a little throttle and back to an acceptable landing). On rough days, I find my KR2 bounces about in the air on final but once in ground effect is fairly stable and controllable???.. I JUST LOVE IT. Oh well, back to work, I suppose. (I?m working away for the next 2 weeks and pining for my KR2 already ---- Colin & Bev Rainey <> wrote: Any slower than this and the controls are very mushy and sluggish to respond, and it gets pushed around in the wind alot.