The OAT was 44, but inside the cockpit was a toasty 65.  I finally managed to 
finish up the turbo install by completing the pipe wrap to keep the heat of the 
turbo away from as much as possible.  This is the first time the bird was up 
after rebuilding the turbo.  It seems that not all of my problems went away.  
Oil is still coming out of the exhaust.  On my next trip to the airport, I plan 
to drain and refill the oil system and ensure that I am not overloading the 
tank with too much oil.  If it still wants to spill oil into the exhaust, then 
I'll probably have to put in the vanagon oil pump that has the two pumping 
chambers.  Anyway, the bird still climbs great.  It was almost dark when I went 
up so I could not spend a long time in the air.  If anyone wants a great 
inside/outside temp gauge, Walmart was selling small skinny one's for $9.95 
this past summer.  It uses a small OAT pick up and has a long enough wire to 
mount it anywhere you want.
Hay Mark J  are you making good use of this heat wave??

Southfield, MI
N110LR celebrating 20 years
Flying, flying and more flying

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