> Since most mill-run construction lumber isn't dried, a builder would
> want to season it until the moisture content is reducted to a minimum
> in order to ensure that the fibers sabilize.

If I remember right there is kiln dried wood available for furniture makers. 
I suspect that's the place to start looking. There's a woodworking store 
down the road a bit that might be able to get it. I had forgotten about 

> I recall reading about builders who used douglas
> fir for construction of a KR, and the added weight was less than 10
> lbs.  Therefore, I think using douglas fir is a viable option for
> builing KRs...or any wooden airplane.

Hemlock is another choice, but isn't as easy to find as fir according to 
what I've read. Fir is the best choice in my opinion. Lots of it around once 
you find the right source, much cheaper, and I can spare a few extra pounds 
for the extra strength.

> However, if you insist on using
> spruce, I have a KR-2s fuselage, built of spruce, for sale right
> now...for only $150.  Come and get it boys!

If it was close to Houston I'd seriously consider it even though I'm wanting 
a narrowed, stretched fuselage.
He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.

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