>These are the document: >1. "Flight Test Report" >2. "Structural Test Report" >3. "Load Analysis Report" >4. "FAA Major Portion Rule 51%" > >Do you have idea where I can get the document?
The KR2S is derivative of the KR1 (1978) and the KR2 (1981). The designer is dead. There are planes flying world wide (check the net). There has never been a structural failure on a plane actually built to plan. 1. There has never been a formal flight test report published. 2. A structural test report was not required for experimental aircraft when the designer died. 3. Same for the load analysis report; however, there are KR2Ss built to plan that fly at 1350 lbs vs 1000 per plans. 4. The plane is 100% builder effort. For get the 51% rule. I would trust the history of the KR2S over any of the certified spam cans! Short cuts and stupid can kill you with any airplane. Avoid them, and enjoy a fantastic, efficient, fun, and inexpensive airplane. However, bureaucrats the world over are not interested in facts, only rules. Larry Severson Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 968-9852 lar...@socal.rr.com