Larry wrote:
>The information gathered there may be totally worthless but the
entertainment value is at least a 9 on a scale of 10 !!

Jim wrote:
> Can you tell me where Mt. Vernon is?

Larry,  I second that!!  The "after hours forums" are where all the
"serious" KR talk happens.  As for skinny dippin' in the lake, my lips are
sealed.  Too bad last year, Brian and I had to leave on Saturday to get back
to Florida before the hurricane hit Sunday.  This year, I'm staying no
matter what even it means I have to sleep in someone's barn...  :-)

Jim, Mt. Vernon is in southern Illinois about an hour or so out of St.
Louis.  See the gathering website at

See everyone at the gathering.

Dean Cooper
Jacksonville, FL
Email me at
See my KR project at

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