I am going to make a set of wing root fairings for my Midget Mustang this weekend (I know, I know, but there are a whole lot more composite experts here than on the tin can builders list). I will basically be putting tape on the fusalage and wing to keep from sticking to them (fairings are removable and hold on with screws), applying 2 part liquid foam and sanding to shape, then glassing on a few layers and cutting off the finished fairings when dry.
I was thinking that I would use vinyl ester resin instead of epoxy because I can kick it off a little hot and have it dry a lot faster. It is cold here and I need to do this outside with the wings on so I don't want to wait forever for epoxy to dry. Also have to worry about rain, etc. Is there any reason not to do this with VE resin? I have a ton of experience with epoxy, but have never used VE. Brian Kraut Engineering Alternatives, Inc. www.engalt.com