Agree 100%.  I saw the note about the dog, but I've
had mine 9 years and I wasn't even a pilot when I got
her.  So she's in it for the long haul as well.  So
the KR2S is in 6th place and will never be for sale.
--- Ron Smith <> wrote:

> Here's a list of things I would never sell or give
> up.
> My:
> 1. Faith
> 2. Wife
> 3. Kids
> 4. Country
> 5. Dog
> 6. Kr2s
> In that order.
> I can't see spending 15,000 dollars, 2500 hours,
> 5000 gallons of sweat, 2000 tears, 9000 grins, a
> gallon or 2 of blood, on a project and selling it to
> someone else.
> Ron Smith,
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